AGES 3 - 5th Grade
From September to May, Resurrection offers Sunday School opportunities for all ages. Sunday School meets at 9:45 AM starting in the Blue Room.
RLC uses "Godly Play" curriculum to help children experience the art of using language of the Christian tradition to encounter God and find direction for their lives through parables, sacred stories, silence, and liturgy. Godly Play helps children learn how to listen to hear what God is saying to them and to respond authentically and creatively.
Above all, children learn that God always loves them.
Visit the Kids Page for more information.
6th - 12th Grade
During the Sunday School hour, all youth will be joining the adults in the 3LT class offerings.
RLC has a youth group that meets on Sundays at Noon during the school year. But during the Sunday school hour, the youth are encouraged to join in a class with the adults, so that we can all learn from each other!

Life-Long Learning Together (3LT) Classes
(all meet Sundays at 9:45A unless noted)
Come explore your faith without embarrassment over not knowing or fear about questioning. Our goal in gathering is for you to have opportunities to grow into your faith in the everyday world. We appreciate people’s time commitments, so each class meets for no more than 6 sessions. You will find us gathering around such things as spiritual practices, exploring the Bible, religious history and teachings, life skills, and service projects. But we want your input so that topics matter to where you are on the journey.