Dear Partners in Ministry:
"For Building Up the Body of Christ" is the theme of our spring stewardship appeal. It comes from Ephesians 4:12, "To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ." It points to what happens as we each participate in our shared mission by "being examples of God's acceptance and grace to all."
Jesus invites each of us to be a part of building up the body of Christ at Resurrection. Our grateful response to this invitation is to give our best to building up and being examples of God's acceptance and grace.
We know that we can build up the body of Christ at Resurrection because we know that we have before. We know we can do the work of being examples of God's acceptance and grace to all because we are part of a congregation that first shared that acceptance and grace with each of us. Together we are on a mission we know we can fulfill as we all pull together and give generously in support of this work.
As a part of the stewardship appeal this year, you will be invited to consider increasing your offering for the coming year. Please pray about this request and respond generously as the Lord leads you.
On Sunday, March 28, we will observe Stewardship Sunday by presenting our pledges during the worship service. You are also welcome to submit your statement online by clicking on the link at the bottom of this page.
To find out more about the growth desired for the church in this coming year, please read the three documents listed below.
Thank you for being part of this amazing congregation. Pray for our common work together as we continue to reach out with the Gospel.
Sincerely in Christ,
Brian Wessley, Council President
Rev. William H. Smith, Pastor